Camp Camp Fanon Wiki

In this AU, Daniel is an alien. As described by the creator:

hes an alien and he goes from planet to planet and morphs into the native species and lures them in to mate, but pl0t tw1st hes not there to mate hes there to lay eggs in them that will hatch and eat the host from the inside out then eat more until they reach adulthood and do what he does. gruesome right

but theyre intelligent too so thats why daniels... daniel...

theyre sorta like a mix beween an ichneumon wasp (cuz the egg tube not pictured), an octopus (skin texture), and a tapeworm

Instagram user blastingdg posted the first two images on November 23, 2017.

No other canon content has been created, as the creator has stated that they are moving on from Camp Camp.
